With extensive experience in planning and managing insurance programmes for companies our company obtained specific knowledge, which are relating to a specific industry, in which the company operates.

Particular specific risks appearing in companies are easily recognized and identified by our company and then incorporated in insurance solutions or within the framework of standard insurance services or as an additional agreement to the existing insurance solutions. Exposure to particular risks can quite vary from one company to another and we are the one to make sure that these are adequately analysed and that we find the most suitable insurance solution for the company.

Based on the view of the company and insurance documentation obtained from the company we are able to form tender documentation for inquiry of suitable insurances, analyse the received offers and present them in comparable form to the companies. In doing that our company follows the aim of taking out quality insurances at competitive prices.

Our service comprises:

Planning the strategy of insurance programme

We analyse the existing insurance coverage, check the previous claims experience per particular insurance type, both in frequency and the height of those. We prepare tender documentation, in which we identify the scope and the method of insured risks and define appropriate franchises per particular insured risk. We agree with the company to which insurance companies to send the offer documentation in order to ensure sufficient comparison of those.

Arranging and implementation of insurance programme

Based on received offers for insurance we prepare a comparative analysis, which allows the companies to base decisions concerning the selection of the best tenderer. If necessary, we carry out further negotiations regarding the scope of offered coverage and the offered price. We ensure arranging the most favourable ratio between the offered scope of insurances and the price for these insurances. We order implementation of the appropriate insurance policies at the selected tenderer and make sure that these are in compliance with the given insurance offer. Furthermore, we present the insurance policies together with subject insurance terms and conditions to the company.

Administration of insurance programme

As far as concluded insurance policies are concerned, we conduct supervision over the course and renewal of these and ask the company for information necessary for insurance renewal, on time. In the event of expiry of insurance policies we implement new inquiry for arrangement of new insurance policies at competitive terms and conditions. In the event of policy renewals we check and make sure that these are renewed under the same conditions as far as the scope of insured risks and agreed premium sentences are concerned. Based on the data on changes on risks of circumstances, acquisition or write-off of insurance subjects we make sure that these are promptly embedded in agreed insurance policies.

Managing damages and claims

Based on information on the loss event we inform the company on the necessary data for reporting a damage or a claim (filling out a form for reporting damage or claim), we organize damage reviews by the subject insurance company and make sure that the insurance company pays out a suitable compensation with regard to the scope of the concluded insurance policy. In the event of problem damages and claims we provide our assistance in selecting independent experts and negotiate with insurance company as regards the amount of the recognized compensation. We keep loss and damage records for the previous loss events and suggest changes in the agreed insurance policies or possible measures, which could be carried out by a company in order to reduce the frequency of loss events, if necessary.

Risk management

You are facing many risks in your daily business operations. You may simply accept some risks, because they come in frameworks, which are acceptable for you. Increased risks can be reduced with concluded insurance, you can share them with your business partners, but in many cases, you have to adapt to them with your procedures. The most extreme measure here is to cancel a part of your business operations due to high risk.

We can help you accurately assess risks and classify them, and with your help, common thinking and the transfer of good practice, also prepare and develop measures for reducing uncertainty in your ordinary course of business as well as in the implementation of new projects.