In car industry there is a great interconnection of suppliers and sub-suppliers supplying parts and assemblies for use in the final product – the car. In this context it is particularly important in this line of industry to arrange insurance of manufacturer's liability for products, which is in most cases a prerequisite for obtaining a status of supplier for car industry. Taking into account that damages occur already in intermediate phases, when particular parts and sub-assemblies are installed in other constituent assemblies, it is in recent times also possible to expand the basic insurance of the manufacturer's liability for products also to damages occurring in the manufacturing process of the buyer of the component. For errors and defects on the product, which could represent a risk for health of consumers and which have to be called off due to the actual or possible defects, shall be subject to agreement of insurance for costs and expenses incurring in such act

Besides the usual property and asset risks insurances for damages due to the mouth of a glowing mass shall be agreed primarily for foundry plants.

Also in the event that a company operates in several countries we arrange an integral insurance solution.